Hmm I don't understand this. Why pay 600€ for a handheld with a 1.6ghz dual core if I can buy a netbook/13" with better specs for less? What is the use case for this device?
The handheld / pocket form factor is just a different device category, the kind you can have always on you.
It's more competition for your phone than your netbook.
Of course, it arguably suffers there: 600€ will buy you a lot of phone right now (def more processor). So there's there's a reasonable question regarding whether the keyboard + controls and more open nature add enough value. The answer is probably "no" unless handheld gaming and tinkering is your thing.
It's the same story with the predecessor, the Pandora. It took forever to come out, while the preorder price steadily increased. It turned out to be pretty great when it finally arrived, but the specs did not look good anymore at that point.
And it seems to be even worse for the Pyra, especially since gpd has finally understood the need and is now manufacturing similar devices.
I think the concept is good but maybe it would be better to design a solid handheld with a slot in option for a pi or some similar form factor sbc. That way, users could actually upgrade the device and keep it current. The hard part these days seems not be the actual computing, but the quality and usability of the screen, keyboard and game controls.