Maybe this works from your perspective but for everyone else who doesn't immediately understand that "after formation" is something strange and not normal the title helps people understand that this is an interesting and novel topic and worth exploring more.
So, stars between 50-130 solar masses don’t directly form black holes because they blow themselves apart at the end of their lives. I got that from the article. Is the idea that a black hole less than 50 solar masses should usually evaporate before it can gain enough mass to fall into that gap?
Edit: or is it just that there shouldn’t be enough around for a smaller black hole to “eat” to become that big?
Is it not okay for me to complain about the quality of Baum's "The Wizard of Oz", which I downloaded for free from ?
But, more to the point, Quanta is a nonprofit foundation-funded publication. It doesn't have subscriptions or advertisement. If we take your advice, does that mean it's unacceptable to complain about the quality of any Quanta article at all?
Doesn't their non-profit status means they receive some (indirect) financial support from us already?
I can't find any indication this publication offers a subscription, and I'm not sure how you know /u/Retric doesn't subscribe to various outlets already.
Honestly, I would have been more intrigued by the less clickbait headline for novelty if nothing else.