> the most significant reductions in emissions have been generated by free market activity
Not sure what you mean, globally there are no reductions in emissions. And you would have to phase out a lot more than just air travel. Personal cars too and overall reduce consumption like ten fold or more, basically destroy this whole capitalism-driven consumerist way of life.
That’s only true if you pretend growth isn’t occurring. Every Mwh of renewable energy consumed is one less Mwh oh fossile fuels that would have been burned, and the market is producing more and more of those every year.
This anti-capitalism stuff seems completely irrelevant too. Every economy is based on consumption, even socialist ones. The only reason the USSR didn’t have as many car owners as the USA is because their economy was in a permanent state of crisis. Market forces don’t go away when you implement socialism.
There is growth in emissions globally. Because forced consumption of non-economical renewable energy doesn't actually work due to the same market forces you speak about. It just makes some rich people richer and others poorer. Resulting in more demand for cheaper products and services that subsequently create more demand for cheaper energy from places where there is no forced consumption of non-economical renewable energy.
> Every economy is based on consumption
I'm talking about buying a tesla level of consumerism, that's not everyone in every economy, but relatively few and they are part of the problem, not part of the solution.
Not sure what you mean, globally there are no reductions in emissions. And you would have to phase out a lot more than just air travel. Personal cars too and overall reduce consumption like ten fold or more, basically destroy this whole capitalism-driven consumerist way of life.