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I once worked for a company that hired the way Facebook does and it is a recipe for disaster in the long term. Two things brought an end to the practice but it was too little too late:

1.) Employees were agreeing to hire people who weren't as skilled as they are because they were afraid of newer and younger competition. As each generation of new hires were brought in they were successively worse than the previous. The most senior employees saw the degradation of overall talent level and eventually left for greener pastures. The company slowly ended up becoming composed of people who were barely qualified for their positions and several years after I had left they were bought out for pennies.

2.) They were sued for discrimination, it was a ridiculous accusation, but the company had to settle. The reason was that without consciously trying we had all hired people who were of similar backgrounds to ourselves in many regards. Apparently "One of our team members wasn't sure about her" doesn't cut it in court.

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