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It uses a custom CPU and ISA that's specialized for the application: https://www.anandtech.com/show/14750/hot-chips-31-analysis-i...

> Internally the DPU uses an optimized 32-bit ISA with triadic instructions, with non-destructive operand compute. As mentioned, the optimized ISA contains a range of typical instructions that can easily be farmed out to in-memory compute, such as SHIFT+ADD/SHIFT+SUB, basic logic (NAND, NOR, ORN, ANDN, NXOR), shift and rotate instructions

Re. CPU cache coherency, they have a software library that automagically hides that: https://images.anandtech.com/doci/14750/HC31.UPMEM.FabriceDe...

Not exactly sure how it works, I'm not super familiar with the internals of CPUs.

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