Slavery isn't abolished, you've just stopped recognising it. was an ad for a local SUV over a decade ago.
- Spending is good for Capitalism
-- Spending on products with short-life is even better
--- Everyday dependency on short-life products is a gold-mine.
Break nation in to major groups based on colour, religion, language, jobs, social status. Break each group into families, families into nuclear & nuclear into individuals. Coz, "I'm Unique" is the best catalyst for consumerism. "I did it my way", reminds us so.
Growing population is the best reinforcement out there for consumerism.
BUT, Democratic-Republics & Capitalism are best out there for people in general.
We accept long working hours coz, we're chasing a dream; sadly a dream aptly set by others. But, most likely we're in debt; monetary advances we received to chase our/their dreams.
make a list of things you own that you haven't used over a month; you might want to share them with others if you don't like long working hours
- Spending is good for Capitalism
-- Spending on products with short-life is even better
--- Everyday dependency on short-life products is a gold-mine.
Break nation in to major groups based on colour, religion, language, jobs, social status. Break each group into families, families into nuclear & nuclear into individuals. Coz, "I'm Unique" is the best catalyst for consumerism. "I did it my way", reminds us so.
Growing population is the best reinforcement out there for consumerism.
BUT, Democratic-Republics & Capitalism are best out there for people in general.
We accept long working hours coz, we're chasing a dream; sadly a dream aptly set by others. But, most likely we're in debt; monetary advances we received to chase our/their dreams.
make a list of things you own that you haven't used over a month; you might want to share them with others if you don't like long working hours