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Google needs to be clear on what causes apps to be removed, and based on account history should be way more lenient on what would cause account termination...

I.e. 4 years good standing 3 strikes, 5 years good standing 4 strikes, etc

Google doesn't need to do anything. There will always be more new developers entering than people kicked out, as there are only two practical places to sell phone apps, Google and Apple.

Disposition: "Will not fix."

I think part of their reasoning is that if they publish the rulebook, then people will find ways to misuse the services in a roundabout way. It’s easier to find bugs in source material you can see, than that you cannot.

I don’t agree with this, but I think it’s most likely the reasoning.

Also, they like to give special privileges to favored entities. Some of these special privileges would likely be counter to any published rules.

True, I think this is likely the real reason.

Because that sounds right, or because you have particularized knowledge to back that claim up?

Because it sounds right and seems like common-sense. I did put "I think" and "likely" in there so I would have thought it was obvious I was speculating.

Do we need to ask everyone whether they have "particularized" knowledge for every comment they make?

At least on ios, both uber [1] and facebook have clearly engaged in behavior that would get anyone else booted from the platform.

I would bet a week's salary that google play is the same.

[1] https://www.businessinsider.com/apple-ceo-tim-cook-threatene...

They can have a catch-all at the end to cover those situations.

They make the rules, so the rules can include, "you can be removed at the discretion of google" at the end.

If it makes you feel better, you could view the current rules as consisting solely of that line?

Lol, true. I was just suggesting an option if they care about portraying a facade of fairness. Probably unnecessary though.

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