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Show HN: Register expiring premium domain names for just $99 (backordr.com)
4 points by traviswingo on Aug 16, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

$99 is steep for a lot of these domain names. You also don't disclose who the registrar is. Personally I wouldn't consider this without knowing you won't put me in GoDaddy's grasp or an equally horrible registrar.

Also it seems like you misunderstand why such a site deserves a large margin: good domains.

I don't care about paying $99 for a domain that expires in 4 mins, I could nab that myself.

What I would pay $99 for is a really great domain name, expiring... who cares because that's what your site is for.

You can always transfer the domain to another registrar. I got mine though Google for the free Google Apps account (no longer available AFAIK), and that ended up having GoDaddy be the registrar. I spent maybe 5 minutes and started the transfer process to a registrar I like better, and within a week (may have been 24 hours, I can't remember), the process was done.

As for services like this, I think they're mostly useful for domain arbitrage. I certainly wouldn't bother.

I thought domains are locked for 90 days?

None of these domains are premium, and can be registered for under $10 easily without any competition.

I was hoping for .com domains when you said “premium”

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