Because the more money you make, the greater your ability to earn and retain that money (or the equivalent value) is dependent on the governnent and it's provision of law; in societies without substantial government, there either isn't much concentration of wealth or the people who start to gain some wealth end up spending a considerable share of it becoming a government just to protect their ability to concentrate wealth.
> A flat tax is fair and doesn’t punish success
Any tax with a marginal rate below 100% doesn't punish success.
Because the more money you make, the greater your ability to earn and retain that money (or the equivalent value) is dependent on the governnent and it's provision of law; in societies without substantial government, there either isn't much concentration of wealth or the people who start to gain some wealth end up spending a considerable share of it becoming a government just to protect their ability to concentrate wealth.
> A flat tax is fair and doesn’t punish success
Any tax with a marginal rate below 100% doesn't punish success.