In case anyone is looking for a similar project with a bit more definition, check out the PineTab[1]. It'll probably be pretty cheap (PineBook Pro will go for $200, PinePhone will go for $150), and I'm guessing it'll be available before this project is.
I really like all of these independent tablet/laptop/phone projects! I'm just a little worried that people will pick them up thinking they'll be just like an Android/iOS tablet and end up blaming the company making it.
Neither is the CutiePi, but it does seem significantly farther along the process of becoming a purchasable product [1]. But I do like the idea of using a Pi compute module for the basis of a tablet.
I really like all of these independent tablet/laptop/phone projects! I'm just a little worried that people will pick them up thinking they'll be just like an Android/iOS tablet and end up blaming the company making it.