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The spotlight interface is still inferior to the searching mechanisms in tracker. The technology underneath is the same technology but generations ahead, but the delivery is poor adn the result is far less useful. Unless Apple rebuilds their GUI this will be permanent because search is bolted onto finder, whereas it's close to the design ideas of tracker.

Tracker is much more rapid to navigate around than any other GUI I've used. I find haiku workspaces far more fluid to use.

Some disadvantages opver OSX is that OSX is really unix, whereas Haiku just presents as it. Most people won't care about this, but if you were porting unix utils yourself you'd probably be aware of it.

BeOS/Haiku use C++ as the primary development language. This will be offputting to some. I'd expect the APIs are easy enough to wrap and that the haiku community will produce first-class python wrappers or similar. They've had them in the past.

   > suggesting that it's going to have any effect on 'the
   > world' is pretty silly.
There are some cool apps around that were originally developed for haiku, and then moved to other platforms. We might see some more of this.

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