Good God, Ott is by far my favorite artist with not even a distant second. I've been hunting for other artists/tracks for the last few months to fill the void til his new album comes out but have only come up disappointed and empty handed. Nobody else seems to be able to be so varied and inventive with each track yet always deliver a compelling and engaging sound and melody so reliably.
I think Fairchildren is his best work yet, especially the back half. "Harwell Dekatron" was a fantastic standout and I hope he experiments more with branching out in that direction. My favorites off Mir are tracks 2-4, and off Skylon I loved "The Queen of All Everything", "Rogue Bagel", "Signals from Bob", and "382 Seaside".
An artist which uses similar “globe trans melodies” that I listen to is banco de gaiga though these are old records but are unique sounds
Anyone have more recommendations?