The sentence you quoted would make more sense if you interpret "is really just" like a mathematician, i.e. they're 'equivalent' in the sense that you can 'map' everything important about either in both directions.
More concretely, "an optional" is something that either 'has a value' or 'does NOT have a value'. So it "is really just a list constrained to size 0 or 1" in the sense that an optional that 'does NOT have a value' is equivalent to a list of size 0, i.e. a list with no contents/members, and an optional that DOES 'have a value' is equivalent to a list of size 1, i.e. it's 'value' is the single/unique member of the list.
Think of statements like 'is really just' in the sense that an integer between 0 and 255 'is really just' 8 ordered bits – they're 'equivalent' in the sense that you can map all possible values of those integers to all possible values of 8 ordered bits, and vice versa, and (importantly in a mathematical sense) in a way such that every integer is mapped to a single set of 8 ordered bit values and every set of 8 ordered bit values is mapped to a single integer. In mathematics that's often described as an 'isomorphism' which is, in working programmer terminology, just a way to convert back and forth between two sets of values 'perfectly and losslessly'.
He means that the type `Optional a` is isomorphic to the type `ListOfLengthAtMostOne a`. This is because we can pair their values up perfectly: Nothing ~ [] and Just a ~ [a].