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"Our web has been taken hostage and monopolized."

I'm not so sure that sensationalist line from their website is true. Currently I use AWS for a LOT of our latest work and I love how they (Amazon) keep pushing out new and exciting features/products. Amazon, I personally feel, championed the whole 'cloud' model that others are jumping into and I don't see this as being monopolized. Frankly, the Amazon entry made the difference to us of either bootstrapping a product or searching for VC funding - we would never have been able to run our system using traditional hosted machines and scaling up / down using EC2 helped us in a major way

yes, that's a good point. in cloud services there are at least 3 options, and no monopoly (yet). also, we understand the big value that SaaS if offering people. that's exactly why we want to offer free software alternatives in that area. if MS Windows would not have been valuable to people, then there wouldn't have been a need to develop linux as a free software alternative to it. As I sometimes say about Google, "it wouldn't be so bad, if it weren't so good". while pleading guilty on the count of sensationalism ;) that line was more about monopolies like facebook, youtube, google docs, where there is only one provider.

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