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What about overdubbing? That’s the trick the majority of the industry uses.


> Asked the market vendor to turn the radio off?

> Not happening for a regular person.

And here were get to the crux of the matter.

I defer you to Charlie Brooker’s excellent video on “how much making one episode of a TV show costs”... skip to 5:05 for the section on clearance.


All this stuff I’ve talked about is looked at by teams of people in media companies because they have to exist within the scope of the the law.

And that’s the issue you seem to have. It’s unreasonable to expect one person to do 20 extra jobs.

Yes it is. Which is why media companies hire 100s of people. Because they have to comply with the law.

Just because this is one person doesn’t mean he is outside the scope of the law. He doesn’t get any special treatment for being an individual. He’s got to suck it up like the rest of us.

He sometimes overdubs it while saying he has to mute the original audio due to record labels.

That video seems like an advertisement to try and convince people not to record anything unless they are a TV station.

I'm happy we live in a day where someone like Harald can just point a camera around a place while talking and it ends up being more entertaining (to me at least) than anything running on TV.

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