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i've been using an 11" air as my only development machine for a month or two. a few minor things worth mentioning:

- no backlit keyboard

- no IR interface, so no ability to use a non-bluetooth remote control

- the LCD screen is glossy, but it's just a film over the screen, not a glass/plastic sheet over the entire display. as a result, the glare isn't as bad as the macbook pro.

- because the display is very thin, the glowing apple logo behind the screen sometimes shows through on the front.

I have been using the 11" for a couple of months now. I also love it but I am more productive at a real desktop with large screen and large keyboard. I have never seen the apple logo shine through the screen. Take that unit back for a replacement.

i have two of them, and one had its entire display replaced. all three displays show the logo through under certain lighting conditions.

Does the same on my 13 inch - it freaked me out the first time I saw it. Same for everyone else in my office who owns one.

That is completely unacceptable, and Apple needs to fix it fast.

re: backlit keyboard

Once you live with it, you can't live without it. I've become so spoiled in my years....

Do macs not have the little bumps on the f and j keys? If so, what do you need to see the keys for?

You'd think that wouldn't you, but clearly that isn't how it works. Something about making my index fingers hit those key requires a lighted keyboard now.

Again, I'm aware I'm being soft here.

I'm always having to stop and check that I'm pressing the right function key (volume control, play/pause), particularly if I'm watching a movie in the dark

I had this opinion, too, until I got a keyboard that was backlit.

oh, and the 11" has no sd card slot. i didn't really notice until i got mine that only the 13" air has it.

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