The Republican Party in the US is famously anti-regulation of large corporations, and "pro-business," yet this is coming from the Republican side. Is there any sort of rationale provided for this seemingly massive ideological shift? Regulation of industry is usually off the table when this party is in control, at least when it comes to pollution or other consumer harms by business.
American politicians are famously unable to articulate consistent principles, and their voters are little better. I don't find it surprising that Republicans are unable to see this sort of invasive regulation in the same light they see regulation of other business practices. Maybe nobody's making it worth their time to see it that way. Maybe they see this as a bone they can throw to the public to get a few votes before they go back to guarding their power hoard. At any rate, there are only about seven or eight people with real, consistent principles in the U.S. Congress, and I'm not aware that Josh Hawley is among them.
This is from the same man who blames human trafficking on the sexual revolution. [0] Conservatives hate Big Tech because of liberal bias (real or perceived). It's simply another unnecessary authoritarian measure.