A healthy coal industry would seem to be fundamental to having a healthy steel industry.
In 1971 there was ore and coal being mined in the UK. Maggie Thatcher got rid of the miners so coal has to be bought on the open market. The ore for steel went similarly to having to be bought on the global market. The UK is no longer an island of coal in a sea of fish.
Economically it makes more sense to ship steel from where the ore and coal is rather than to ship the raw ore across to the other side of the world.
In 1971 there was ore and coal being mined in the UK. Maggie Thatcher got rid of the miners so coal has to be bought on the open market. The ore for steel went similarly to having to be bought on the global market. The UK is no longer an island of coal in a sea of fish.
Economically it makes more sense to ship steel from where the ore and coal is rather than to ship the raw ore across to the other side of the world.