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people are downvoting a question?

so i looked myself. seems like there is that option now. they also have an option to just "mute" the infringed song but it's in beta


Upvoted you to compensate :) Also, thanks for sharing the link

Comments like this one are outside community guidelines. You really shouldn’t be begging for votes on here.

That's not a question. That's a statement with a question mark at the end. Also, the statement ignores the fact that the parent comment asserted edits have no impact on demonitization, so even if it was correct it would be moot.

In many languages the question mark can be the only difference on print between interrogative and declarative sentence, and as my native language is one of them, I hope that English will develop in that direction.

English can work that way too, converting statements to questions with inflection or the addition of a question mark. e.g. "You understand?"

However, in this case, interpreting this as question rather than a statement leads us to see a question about the inner thoughts of the commenter, which clearly is not what was intended.

What I believe was intended was to make a statement that was to be understood as uncertain. However, the "I think" prefix is all that is necessary for that and the addition of a question mark just creates uncertainty about the it being interrogative/declarative.

I interpreted it as 'upspeak'

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