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> So if you want to publish stuff and no longer worry about it, you need to make sure that you have a subscription going with a valid credit card.

Also known as "paying for hosting". Seems pretty reasonable. If creators want to upload and broadcast unlimited hours of HD video onto the internet for free they need to accept the consequences of this arrangement (i.e. they aren't entitled to anything). The rest of us have to invest capital into our projects so that we can ensure a stable digital foundation in-line with our own prerogatives.

Personally I'm pretty stoked about getting free unlimited video hosting.

I understand that some people want to use it to get into show business, but man, Youtube is not the biggest impediment to that, nor the worst predatory company they'll deal with along the way.

I understand the rationale, the problem is that I don't want to pay for video hosting indefinitely, unless it's a service that's included in a package for something else I'm paying for.

So if the solution is Vimeo versus not hosting video at all, I might go for the later. Therefore free to host services like YouTube win.

> the problem is that I don't want to pay for video hosting indefinitely

That's fine, YouTube offers the service for free, but it's not reasonable to have any particular expectations of quality or service from a free offering.

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