>They are also very smart, which made them read/like interesting books.
This logic doesn't take us anywhere because there existed equally intelligent people who either worked in farm or meatshop or even might be working as a janitor instead of launching companies worth billions and recommending othes books.
And does being intelligent means not being evil? What if they posted these books to distract you while they go around reading something else which helps them build competitive advantage against masses.
I won't blind accept a reading suggestion from someone even if they happen to be commerically successful or they happen to be smarter.
So people post book reviews to distract you from doing something. Lol.
I still have a bigger respect for people that started a multi billion dollar company than a janitor. It doesn't mean I have no respect for them, but just a bigger one for someone that did something unique.
If they read books ofc, in these cases they obviously do