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Without a browser, it kind of ceases to be a smartphone. It's just a flipphone. So I don't see how that is really something you need to note.

For me it's Google Maps. There is just no comparison. I don't want to imagine trying to drive around finding places without it. It's not just the navigation and traffic, it's the business hours lookup feature and all that.

I hadn't thought about TOTP stores (Authy), but that's certainly way up there. Unless they can read a NFC yubikey.

See, the problem is, as long as Google is allowed to own services like Maps and YouTube, as well as Android, you've ensured you can't ever switch to a new platform: Google is extremely active in not only refusing to support competing mobile platforms, but actively blocking them from accessing their services, as they've done with Microsoft and Amazon's competing platforms over the years.

I've found for most map queries, Google, Bing, MapQuest, and HERE are all pretty much comparable/a wash.

It's weird that someone as tied to Google Maps would be looking into a privacy-oriented phone like Librem 5.

AFAIK, Google Maps will record your location/speed even while you are not using it (to get their traffic information), it will record any nearby wifi APs to help populate their aGPS database (so your private APs will get recorded along with their locations on Google's servers), and who knows what else.

Why would you want a Librem 5?

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