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See https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20556643 for a rough estimate.

Facebook has 30000 moderators.

Facebook’s 30 000 moderators is problematic as it’s a pit of human misery, with basically fresh souls sent down the mine as canaries to detected hurtful content.

Even looking away from the human aspect a second, it means these 30 000 are not stable employees but contractors needed to be replaced very frequently, burning through the pool of potential workers. And people are not even happy with the current number and clamour for way more moderation on facebook, so the 30 000 number is by cheaping out.

Then Youtube need people both for moderating and copyright/monetarization support so multiply by 2, and for facebook and youtube we’d need close to a roster of 100 000 people rotating every year or less, burning through a million people in a decade.

All of that just for two video platforms on the internet.

I can’t stop myself from wondering if it’s a good use of people.

Agreed, not good for mental health. Story:


Aren't they all contractors through Cognizant though? It's not like Facebook staffed up an extra 30K FTEs.

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