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I think Facebook proved pretty clearly that humans are not a solution to this problem. It doesn't matter if it's an algorithm or a human, at the end of the day the creators believe YouTube wants to censor their content so they will ascribe that motive to the execs, the engineers writing the algorithms, or the humans manually curating content.

Even as a non-youtuber, I think it's been made quite clear that the "motive" is selling ads, and advertisers don't want to be associated with particular topics or tones. It's no longer "Broadcast yourself", but "Deliver us specific content we can monetize, and don't dare touch major IP holders' content", which is a completely different creator audience.

> Deliver us specific content we can monetize, and don't dare touch major IP holders' content

The creators are complicit in this agenda, that's the reason for the backlash, they have an expectation of income from YouTube and when they run afoul of the algorithm it hurts their paychecks.

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