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That doesn't refute my point. A razor is a tool for working with limited evidence, which is exactly what I'm doing.

Statement #1:

> That's a popular conspiracy theory, but it doesn't hold up to Occam's Razor.

This comment is open to interpretation. A reasonable interpretation is that something must hold up to Occam's Razor, or else it is not true, especially with the inclusion of "That's a popular conspiracy theory".

In fact, the "conspiracy theory" charge is also flawed. The speculative claim "The algorithms are a proxy for some youtube engineers' tastes" may actually be true. We do not know.

Statement #2:

> The simpler explanation is that content from all sides gets buried to some extent, but it appears biased to people because they only notice when their own content is buried.

This persuades the reader, perhaps based on a presumed knowledge of the phenomenon of confirmation bias, that any such beliefs are likely an example of such confirmation bias. Again, the truth is not known.

If you don't like your comments being interpreted, you could tighten them up to minimize the need or possibility for interpretation.

I think he's saying that positing Occam's Razor isn't proof of anything. If he's not, then I'm saying it, and that it gets over applied to the extreme.

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