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I lived in Oregon--which has had exclusively vote by mail for decades--for a while and never heard anyone bring up vote selling as a risk to election integrity. No one (journalists, legislators, etc) ever claimed it was happening.

The state republican party still makes occasional claims of voter fraud, but those are exceedingly rare -- something like 54 ballots out of 4 million in the 2016 election cycle -- and they mostly come down to people voting in Oregon and in another state at the same time.

The only reported case of election fraud I can remember was in 2016 and done by a republican, in which she tossed out a bunch of democratic voter ballots. That's it.

For two decades of elections, Oregon hasn't had a problem with election integrity. They do, however, have a consistently high turnout, which they attribute to vote-by-mail.

Oregon has a scheme to allow you to replace your mailed in ballot is why.

And this is a real issue, vote buying and cohersion has historically been the most common voter fraud mechanism in the US. It's a major part of how the Boss Tweed and his associates ran New York.

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