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I really don't think generics (or contracts) will benefit the language. Most people who miss it are just missing the collection frameworks from Java/C#, and there are solutions to this anyway. (go:generate being one of them if you really need collections for X types).

I did miss generics when I first started writing Go, but after doing so for about a year at work and 2 years before that, I don't find me missing them at all.

I have the exact same feeling. I was using generics extensively in C# particularly. I don't miss them at all after having spent a lot of time working with and understanding Go. I can't help but feel it will just make the language far less attractive in the long run.

Yeah I believe so as well. All languages having the same features would also be a downside. Just make a choice and stand by it. (Like Haskell, they are not pressured into doing things just because Java does so).

Like Haskell, they are not pressured into doing things just because Java does so

I do not mean this as a criticism of Haskell, but Haskell has a lot of GHC-specific language extensions:


I am not sure it qualifies as making a choice and standing by it.

I agree. I am not missing generics at all. It's a pain once is a while but it passes. But addressing that minor downside in no way in my mind justifies destroying what actually makes Go an effective language.

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