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> Climate change is #11 in the list of top priorities for voters

I think you wanted to write:

Climate change is #11 in the list of top priorities for voters _in the United States_...

In many countries it is a lot higher on the list of priorities.

For example, in the UK it is on the 4th place for voters [1].

In Denmark it is the highest priority in latest polls [2] (sorry danish only)

[1] https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/jul/21/environm...

[2] https://www.altinget.dk/artikel/ny-maaling-den-groenne-dagso...

Climate change is a much more important issue to US voters than it has been in the past: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/05/07/climate-c...

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