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Disagree with maintenance: electric motors are enormously simpler than ICE, and really well understood. Removing high temperatures, fuel, lubrication and exhaust from the system is a huge advantage.

Agree on digital scrapheap, although this applies to a lesser extent to ICE vehicle too. We should be demanding open sourcing of car code after warranty expires.

The electric drivetrain is simpler, but electric cars tend to require more parts in order to replace the heat and rotational power you get "for free" with a combustion engine.

Electric cars need to have separate motors to drive the AC compressor instead of a simple belt.

Electric cars need resistive and/or reverse cycle heating instead of using engine heat.

Electric cars (if they care about battery longevity) need elaborate heating/cooling systems for the battery.

> elaborate heating/cooling systems

Nearly every car over 10 years old has failed AC. In most EV cars, the AC is critical to maintaining battery health. I could imagine a failed AC unit causing the battery to over/under heat, and the resulting damage causing the entire car be scrapped.

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