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Yeah sjwright asked about sales and got an answer about sales.

And I'm genuinely impressed that it's that high. I expected the Toyota Camrys and low cost Indian scooters to dwarf EV sales more than that—but I had forgotten about the Chinese manufacturers!

But I still agree with your point though, I don't call 2% market share booming. Not to mention the amount of incentives involves in pushing these numbers.

Battery and Charging point is still the biggest issue in most places around the world.

"low cost Indian scooters"

Would those actually be included in these figures?

I don't know, but they should be. Not doing so would be contemptuous for people of lower socio-economic means.

But if you include indian scooters, why not include pedelecs, or hover boards? And going the other way electric buses, and electric trains? Its useful to know the total number of electric people movers, its also useful to know how many electric cars there are. There is no moral component to that.

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