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Any language that grows big has that problem.

My favourite example is Python, I started using it with version 1.6 and even though I only use it for small scripting tasks, always followed each release since then.

It might appeal to beginners, but underneath lies a language as powerful as C++, where even the most savy will fail to remember what changed between minor releases.

> Any language that grows big has that problem.

I'm also quite sure that we will see similar issues with other languages in the coming decades, with new paradigms becoming popular and existing languages trying to retrofit those in their design. C++ is one of the oldest and biggest (in term of usage) language that is still used for new projects and evolving, the competition is one or two decades younger, they still have plenty of time to evolve into monsters.

Have you ever tried to answer C, Python, Perl, Java, C#, F#, VB.NET, OCaml, Haskell, JavaScript Quiz Pub questions?

Many think that they know what they are using, but never bothered to actually read the language reference manual.

As much as a like python, it is not as powerful as c++. Hence the reason you have to use cython/cpython to improve performance.

Powerful doesn't mean fast. Python is quite slow but C++ is not powerful enough to make so many things usable without -comparatively- a lot of work.

C++ is very fast and entrenched in a few markets ( gamedev, trading, etc) but that's it. As a language it is quite average, encumbered by too many features, too many corner cases.

I was speaking about grammar and language semantics, not implementation.

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