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I benchmarked 8 different ways of representing a 2d grid in JavaScript (github.com/shazow)
60 points by shazow on Dec 31, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 33 comments

Looked at the code a bit and tried to see what gives with the 1D example. Conclusions: 2D arrays were fast in Chrome, slow in Minefield, 1D arrays were fast in Minefield, Minefield had a tendency to occasionally get pummeled by the GC in the write test, data layout matters even in JS, you should use get(x,y) instead of get([x,y]), counting downwards in loops only helps in making the code buggier.

Passing the pos coords as x,y instead of [x,y] halved the get/set runtimes.

The difference between data layout performance was around 30%-100%. That is, accessing [x][y] by iterating over x in the inner loop is a good deal slower than iterating over y in the inner loop. And vice versa for [y][x].

Arrays and typed arrays had roughly equal performance in this. On Minefield, typed arrays were 10-20% faster than initialized arrays and initialized arrays were faster to access than uninitialized arrays. Zeroing out an array was a good deal slower than relying on the zero-initialized nature of typed arrays.

On Minefield, a 1D array was 5x faster than a 2D array. On Chrome, a 1D array was 40% slower than a 2D array. The Minefield 1D array version was 60% faster than the Chrome 2D array.

Accessing closure variables was slightly faster than property access.

Typed arrays are easy to use: new Array(wh) -> new Int8Array(wh). if (type Int8Array == 'undefined') Int8Array = Array; gets you backwards compatibility for simple uses.

After a bit of experimenting myself, I think these numbers can be quite misleading.

It appears that execution times change drastically depending on function names and orderings! (This is in both firefox and chrome, on a macbook.) I tried copying the 2d array function and renaming it different things, and found different times, which often caused major differences in its relative order against the original function.

Also, running the test multiple times gives different enough results that orderings change.

Finally, I think the timing code needs some work. I remember John Resign had some posts on this. This is one of them:


But I can't find another one where he talks about the fact that with very small times, timing functions in javascript give wildly varying values, because they depend on some sort of interrupt (maybe?)...

You're right, I should be running each test at least a few times and taking the average. I found that the results vary a few percent here and there, but the drastic difference between the different datastructures is always consistent and visible.

The other article you’re talking about is this one: http://ejohn.org/blog/accuracy-of-javascript-time/

Note that some interesting information is missing from it (e.g., in IE the smallest unit of measure isn’t always 15 ms — it all depends). If you want to know all about it, check out http://calendar.perfplanet.com/2010/bulletproof-javascript-b....

in your set function for canvas, you change the fill style for each set, and you draw a full rectangle which causes an invalidation event for the browser.

i think you are taking the wrong approach.

this page shows a fast redeye removal example http://disruptive-innovations.com/zoo/demos/eyes.html

instead of operating on the canvas data, you should operate on the imageData object, which is like a buffer and will not cause an invalidation paint event.

original function

  structs.grid_canvas = function(size) {
    var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");

    canvas.width = size[0];
    canvas.height = size[1];

    var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

    return {
        set: function(pos, value) {
            ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + value +',0,0)';
            ctx.fillRect(pos[0], pos[1], 2, 2);
        get: function(pos) {
            return ctx.getImageData(pos[0], pos[1], 1, 1).data[0];

new function

  structs.grid_imagedata = function(size) {
    var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");

    canvas.width = size[0];
    canvas.height = size[1];

    var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
    var imgd = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, size[0], size[1]);

    //use this to invalidate the canvas at a reasonable frame_rate
    var frame_rate = 24; //fps
    var paint_frame = setInterval( function(){

    ctx.putImageData(imgd, 0, 0);

    }, 1000/frame_rate );


    return {
        set: function(pos, value) {
            var offset = (pos[1] * imgd.width + pos[0]) * 4;
            // + 0=red, 1=green,2=blue,3=alpha
            imgd.data[offset + 0]= value;
        get: function(pos) {
            var offset = (pos[1] * imgd.width + pos[0]) * 4;
            // + 0=red, 1=green,2=blue,3=alpha
            return imgd.data[offset + 0];

getImageData returns an array equivalent to grid_1d_array. The computation required to translate the 2d position (in this case 3d position as there's 4 slots per index) is what killed the performance of grid_1d_array.

Also I don't see how invalidating the canvas 24 times per second is going to help in this benchmark?

Calling fillRect is massively slower than calculating the an index in the array. As a general rule, it is more efficient to modify native data structures directly, while updating the DOM as infrequently as possible.

I understand that you may have been wanting to benchmark the actual speed of updating the canvas, but it really isn't a fair comparison with updating arrays.

Invalidating the canvas 24 times a second doesn't help with the benchmark, but it would make the example usable, in that it would actually update the canvas element on your screen.

On my computer, the example from jdavid ran in 287ms, instead of the original which ran in 7427ms.

I was trying to benchmark the actual speed of updating the canvas, in hopes that it was doing something clever behind the scenes. I can see that it's not a fair comparison, but a fair comparison is completely redundant with grid_array_1d (except a needlessly larger array).

I see your point. Thanks for posting this code - I implemented the a* pathfinding algorithm in javascript, so I looked into some of these options also. I ended up using the basic 2d structure to store the grid, since it was the most straightforward and seemed somewhat equivalent to 1d.

For a demo of it (http://briangrinstead.com/files/astar/), I used divs to represent the grid on the page, but I think it would be awesome to use the canvas grid representation since I suspect it will have much better performance than thousands of divs on the page (switch it to 100x100 to see what I mean).

that is arguably true, but the reality is that drawing that many rectangles is not the right way to use a drawing api.

i am actually really shocked that i could not find a way to do all of the draw operations on a buffer.

Is there a place I can go to find out more information like this?

For an introduction, read the section on limiting DOM manipulation here: http://www.artzstudio.com/2009/04/jquery-performance-rules/#...

Here is the Gecko DOM reference: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/element (listing common manipulation methods) https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Gecko_DOM_Reference

Basically, if you catch yourself calling DOM functions in a loop (or in a function that gets called in a loop, like the grid_canvas example here), it should be done in memory and then manipulate the DOM outside of the loop.

Do you know if there's a way to do something similar when displaying images? for a game I need to display a tiled background, and at this time I do it by looping on the x and y axis. That's slow.

Of course I then translate the resulting canvas instead of redrawing everything when I want to scroll but there's still a lot of invalidations involved.

For a tiled repeating background, I would recommend looking into createPattern function https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Canvas_tutorial/Applying_st....

You can use code like this:

    context.fillStyle = context.createPattern(img, 'repeat');
    context.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100);
Where 'img' is an Image object you loaded from an src, or even a canvas object that you may have used to build a composite background.

If this doesn't work in your situation, I would at least build this image once in a canvas in memory (using document.createElement), and reference it in the 'drawImage' function instead of building it from scratch each time. Though it sounds like you might already be doing this. Do you have a link to your game?

If you make an interface that automatically runs this on visitor's browsers and populates a form that users can hit "Submit" (or alternatively, simply make an AJAX call), you can get hundreds of diff OS / Browser Version / Hardware combinations.

Aggregating these numbers should give you really nice insights into diff VMs / platforms etc.

I considered this but there weren't any existing services that did this and allowed me to make the type of tests I needed to make (and I didn't want to spend unnecessary time building one). I also ran the benchmarks on Firefox and though the numbers varied, the overall trend was the same. I don't imagine it would be much different for IE.

Given the motivation of the benchmark, Chrome was of main concern for me. :)


That service can benchmark multiple browsers and compare the results.

Example http://jsperf.com/instanceof-htmlelement-vs-tagname-equals

That's one of the ones I tried, but I needed some tests to create new objects, and others to reuse the same object which was already created previously, and I wanted to compare the numbers together rather than in isolation.

To use jsperf, I would have had to come up with many permutations of each test at the very least. Not ideal.

It's neat that the most trivial solution, nested arrays, performed the best (marginally).

If you mean to run this benchmark across different browsers, you should know there might be some problems with the time measurement technique you’re using. Read http://calendar.perfplanet.com/2010/bulletproof-javascript-b... for a detailed explanation.

Why not use Benchmark.js https://github.com/mathiasbynens/benchmark.js for your test case? This library will take care of all the issues mentioned in the article I linked to. Or just take the easy road and use http://jsperf.com/ which uses Benchmark.js behind the scenes :)

True story. Wasn't aware of Benchmark.js, looks good! Anyone want to fork n' port? :)

I'd recommend using {UI,I}nt{8,16,32,64}Array and Float{32,64}Array (from WebGL) whenever possible in your code, falling back to JS natives.

In my testing that I did for our DotSpots client-side code (basically MD2 over tokenized text), I found that the WebGL arrays performed at best the same as native arrays. In some cases they did much worse. This was universal across webkit and gecko as well.

It's still worth testing - I'm hoping that the JIT engines are finally able to optimize them properly.

I've been meaning to try WebGL. Any interest in contributing an example into structs.js?

Edit: Or I guess it would need to go into a separate <script> block, could make a structs_webgl.js one.

When creating a 2d grid array with all values the same, slicing one row multiple times works way faster than creating each row for each column.

   for(var y=h;y>=0; y--) row.push(0);
   for(var x=w; x>=0; x--) grid[x] = row.slice(0);
It seems to me that this method should work without any problems, but I may be wrong..

There is a problem in the code that causes the grid_1d implementation to dynamically increase array size on demand.

In the test case, it looped over from w to 0, and then from h to 0, thus, the scanline size is (w + 1). In the grid_1d impl, he allocated array of w x h size, which in fact should be (w + 1) x (h + 1).

That's correct. But I noticed a bigger problem:

you passed in [x,y] where x is from w to 0 and y is from h to 0. But in your indexing code of grid_1d, it is pos[0] * w + pos[1] which translates to x * w + y. however, since x is from w to 0 and y is from h to 0, the correct code should be something like y * w + x. I am sorry if I pushed too hard on the correctness of this code, but I am just not quite buying the fact that indexing a 1d array will be slower than indexing an array of arrays.

I am just not quite buying the fact that indexing a 1d array will be slower than indexing an array of arrays

As it happens, I recently ran similar benchmarks (on sparse arrays represented using JS hashes) and got similar results: a hash of hashes performed much faster than a single hash with computed keys, even though the keys seemed trivial to compute. It was a disappointing outcome insofar as the data structure in question is performance-critical and I had hoped that flattening it would be an optimization. Another almost clever idea backfires. I wonder whether collision/balancing issues in the underlying hashtable implementation are responsible.

Admittedly, our sparse grid is a different beast than the OP's dense grid, except that these things are not so different in Javascript, whose arrays are weird specialized hashes anyway, and thus not so different when dense vs. sparse. (Though not the same, either: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1999637)

Ah, you're right about that! I'll fix it when I have a chance, though it wont affect the performance.

You're welcome to clone the repo, make changes, and run the tests yourself (just open index.html in a browser).

I was surprised too, but my rationalization is that the engine has been very optimized towards DOM-like operations for the past decade that doing math is comparatively slower. And another thing could be is that the 2d array could be effectively partitioning the space that the engine has to search in case it's doing something stupid underneath.

One day when I'm brave enough I'll look into the V8 code for arrays and objects.

Breaking news. js programmers discovers memory x cpu tradeoff

End of jackass mode. ...i was expecting more browser benchmark with the already proven methods.

Almost all of those methods use approximately the same amount of memory, though the performance varies drastically.

The key is that few people know what's actually going on underneath the JavaScript interpreter engine. In some cases it could be doing something really clever, and in other cases it could be doing something really stupid. Only ways to find out is to read the source, or benchmark. :P

my point exactly.

grid data structures in JS as already beaten to death. there's only the canvas that can be arguably be called new in that article.

But the final fact about JS performance is to understand/benchmark how every browser type/version will do something under the hood.

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