Usually with things like this, the result is already fairly well established, or close enough at least, within the scale any real-world application would require.
You can think of it like the four color theorem. A beautiful theoretical result (though a far less beautiful proof), but the only practical significance is now cartographers know they'll never need that extra crayon....
Yes famous conjectures usually already have a wealth of "downstream" results predicated on their truth value. But sometimes the proof technique is itself novel and that can carry over to other fields.
I think the most interesting point of the paper isn't simply the proof the conjecture but also the sqrt(n) bound. I doubt many downstream results were predicated on that particular bound.
>Huang’s result is even stronger than necessary to prove the sensitivity conjecture, and this power should yield new insights about complexity measures.
If I interpret this correctly it's a tighter bound than the original conjecture, so it should allow better optimizations.
Well graph coloring in a more general sense is used for things like register allocation in compilers. So any proofs or increase in theoretical knowledge in the area could lead to improvements in that area.
You can think of it like the four color theorem. A beautiful theoretical result (though a far less beautiful proof), but the only practical significance is now cartographers know they'll never need that extra crayon....