Its more amazing that people desperately try to link behavior to finances.
Its from a teaching style done in Christian sects within the United States (and maybe just protestants in general?) where prosperity is linked to behavioral compliance. So you see this unquantifiable anomaly throughout society as the meme brushes off on more people.
Someone doesn't “deserve” x,y,z because of a,b,c. When the reality is that their network has other considerations, and one key aspect of global issuances is that local reputation is less of a factor.
Its not much of a stretch to suggest that a company that screws over people in scummy ways has a higher chance of screwing over investors in scummy ways, or just engaging in self destructive business harming behavior in general.
Not sure why you think its some kind of deep rooted christian morality thing.
That doesn't seem to me to follow directly. History is full of successful people who treat the wealthy/powerful well, but treat people who aren't wealthy/powerful less well, and come out ahead by doing so. It really is only in Christian morality, imo (or other similar religions' morality), that this kind of thing somehow inherently doesn't work.
and since their investors are hoeing for yield and doing pretty good at that then they'll keep working with certain management and their ventures
investors feel like they can price-in potential financial claims against key personnel or the entity, based on existing controversy or predictable pile-on controversy of the same genre, and don't feel like this has anything to do with dumping higher priced Unity shares on people's 401ks in a few years.
Does artwork become more or less valuable when the artist is discovered to be a mass murderer?
Does artwork become more or less valuable when the artist accused of sexual assault?
Social values may surprise you, because they are inconsistent. And that is before dealing with cross cultural issues, western vs. asian or capitalist vs. socialist.
Its from a teaching style done in Christian sects within the United States (and maybe just protestants in general?) where prosperity is linked to behavioral compliance. So you see this unquantifiable anomaly throughout society as the meme brushes off on more people.
Someone doesn't “deserve” x,y,z because of a,b,c. When the reality is that their network has other considerations, and one key aspect of global issuances is that local reputation is less of a factor.