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Me, but you, but me (diveintomark.org)
123 points by shawndumas on Dec 30, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Very nicely written.

But I realize that my reading comprehension once again fails me. I really didn't get the clue of his loss from these last lines:

"I would have said “only one,” but it turns out what I meant was “one who will outlive me.”

So, two."

I didn't pick it up either until I read the comments. Feeling stupid now.

There was one comment in particular that struck a chord with me. I felt it was necessary to quote; it's a hard feeling to articulate.

"We are here to live, we are here to die. Time is short, time is long. One has many friends, one has few friends. When we find a paradox, rejoice. It means that we have found a normal and real aspect life. We humans think we can plan and have answers. We can. And we can’t."

Thank you for posting this. I lost my own 25-year friend to a drunk driver this past March, and the post was beautifully written and mirrors my feelings.

I know exactly how he feels. My 25-year friend died a year ago from a blood disorder nobody knew about and it was too late when they did.

The pain ebbs. That is about all I can say.

Somehow reminded me of Kirk, Spock and Bones.

Very moving. Grazie.

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