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MagLev is Gemstone/S for Ruby: 6x-60x faster VM, OODB, and more... (obiefernandez.com)
33 points by gaika on May 31, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Can't wait! Avi Bryant is part of this team so I'm sure they will deliver something amazing.

I think I have to mod you up for that.

Silly man.

haha :D

They had this amazing technology for 10+ years, for some reason few people know or use it.

8 years ago we tried it with java, everybody was so exited, until managment shut it down because they guessed nobody else would use it.

Hopefully Ruby and Rails can change this stigma.

What is maglev exactly? Googling for these items gets bogged down in the results for their namesakes. Can someone 'splain this for me?

"MagLev... Ruby runtime based on Smalltalk VM"


This stuff is brand new. Obie is essentially blogging the announcement straight from RailsConf. More press will come soon, I'm sure.

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