1) It could use a description on the main page, so that new users know what they're in for.
2) Scrolling through the result page (using the mouse's scroll wheel) makes my browser stall for > 10 seconds before loading new entries. (Firefox 3.6.3 on Win7)
3) The 'beta' badge on the main page has a very light yellow color, which makes the white text hard to read. The label text could also use some letter spacing.
4) The 'y' in the ReadEvery logo is cropped a bit too much, making it look like a 'v'.
5) The results page could use some filter options, to focus on location or relevancy. It would also be nice to be able to remove users from the list on a case-by-case basis.
6) Retweet and reply buttons (per tweet) would be also be nice.
Thanks for your time on this. Really appreciate it. I am working on the remove/unfollow user functionality already. The retweet/reply buttons is a very good idea :-)
I had not seen the cropped 'y'. Will fix that too
Another thing that just occurred to me: since you're presenting the tweets out of their context, sorting them purely by user, perhaps it'd be better to remove replies from the flow? That way snippets of conversations wouldn't confuse the reader. I'm assuming this view is meant to find standalone tweets that contain insightful remarks or links/media?
Also, how about auto-converting links in tweets into embedded media? (images, YouTube, etc)
auto-converting links.. didn't occur to me at all. Thanks
to remove re-tweets, I should probably set that as the default option (removed) and yet provide the user a way to turn it on
- add a button next to the twitter username textbox so i can change names myself (if i have multiple accounts)
- Y looks like a V in logo
- BETA is hard (if not impossible to make out in the main application page)
- add a margin on the bottom of the twitter pics - everything else has a nice margin except that and it runs on the hr
- when you mouse over a url a small preview window should show up of the site or a small media player
- theres too much space between the rows of twitter feeds
- try to get rid of reply tweets as I cant see the full conversation the little bits i can see are useless
- Track This Now at the bottom of the page does nothing - is it supposed to?
- the number of retweets is above the retweet image while the numbers of facebook likes is on right, try to have some uniformity
- add space above the faint hr below retweet/like images
- in logo, shadow of EVERY is too faint... just because the font is a different color doesnt mean the shadow should be any different. thats like saying a black person should have a darker shadow than a white person =)
- only 3 columns - i have a large display and it would be nice if I this could expand to fit my browser window
Overall, I like the idea and hope that you flesh it out some more
I am glad you like the idea. I have a lot of work to do.
"- add a button next to the twitter username textbox so i can change names myself (if i have multiple accounts)"
Interesting that you thought that. Right now you can just press enter but I see how this can be confusing to people. I will add the "Go" button
"- try to get rid of reply tweets as I cant see the full conversation the little bits i can see are useless"
I think so too.. and so do some other members so will work on that
A lot of design input here. I lack the eye for it so this is extremely useful for me. Now, I just have to run through point by point. Thanks a lot
Since this shows multiple tweets from a single user, the ordering of the users becomes more important. I think its currently ordered by most recently followed. Some other orderings that might be interesting:
(1) Most recently tweeted
(2) Affinity - order by people I reply/RT the most
(3) List view - view users from a specific list
Also, would be nice if you could click on links in tweets directly.
List view is coming up. The user has to login using Twitter OAuth though (Twitter API requirement).
I think ordering by affinity is a very interesting idea to pursue.
Thank you
I have worked through many of them to make the site better.
here are some
Date/time of the tweet now appears next to retweet/reply options
Tweets are color coded based on their recency.
there is a quick profile view and follow/unfollow facility
The page used to hang because of load.. now there is only a pageful of tweets loaded on startup and then it auto-loads as the user scrolls down to see more making the experience significantly smoother.
The wanted the site to be a way of finding interesting people to follow. Now you can search for them by topics/keywords by clicking on the "Find tweeters for a topic" link. For example if you type in Google, it lists all the Google tweet accounts for you and you can follow the ones that interest you easily.
Again, thanks a lot for giving me a big list of sure fire improvements to work on
It's interesting, I guess, but the focus of Twitter is the tweets and the way this is presented makes me think they're not the main focus, surely they should be -- unless I missed the point of your application?
You haven't missed it. The "additional" purpose is to be able to find interesting profiles by drilling down to see who people I follow are following but tweets and their readability is very important. Thanks
After spending eons reading twitter from Flipboard and Pulse, this layout reminded me of AllTop. It's a nice global view of finding out where's what but I personally had a hard time focusing on just one user because i have seen their older tweets. This would be a great non-intimidating way to catch up with twitter if you're out of the loop.
Yes. That was the use case. I would find it difficult to quickly get an idea about what everyone is been up to individually so I made it.
You are right in that this is especially useful when you are out of the loop.
I was curious about how it behaved with locked profiles. The authentication dialog that popped up was not very attractive, and I certainly didn't want to enter my password in it.
I am still working on that. I didn't know if there would be any demand for that so I pushed it down in priority. Basically, the locked profiles can never be viewed by any other user. To view it, the user has to enter via OAuth. I am still working on it and what you see (the authentication dialog) is still unfinished. I will definitely update here once I am fully ready. Thanks for pointing it out
1) It could use a description on the main page, so that new users know what they're in for.
2) Scrolling through the result page (using the mouse's scroll wheel) makes my browser stall for > 10 seconds before loading new entries. (Firefox 3.6.3 on Win7)
3) The 'beta' badge on the main page has a very light yellow color, which makes the white text hard to read. The label text could also use some letter spacing.
4) The 'y' in the ReadEvery logo is cropped a bit too much, making it look like a 'v'.
5) The results page could use some filter options, to focus on location or relevancy. It would also be nice to be able to remove users from the list on a case-by-case basis.
6) Retweet and reply buttons (per tweet) would be also be nice.