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I can grasp the differences just fine, thank you very much. Chess requires you to think several moves ahead. This is why it can take minutes until a player makes their next move. Try this in Starcraft! The game instead requires you to switch to a conpletely reactionary style of play where all you can do is make split second decisions based on huge tables of prepared heuristics in your head.

With all due respect, I think you're mistaken. I think you are assuming a game that doesn't allow long periods of pause must be completely reactionary, but that's not true. I've been playing and watching competitive starcraft for well over decade. In competitive starcraft you need to master both micro/reactionary strategy, as well as the ability to predict and respond to your opponent over medium and long run horizons.

I believe that you've never played chess or anything similar. If you did, I'm certain that you would not say what you say so easily. RTSes are always played using heuristic, experience based decision-making on the spot. I think you're mistaking calling back on past experience with actual strategic thinking and deep planning. You cannot play purely turn based games like chess that way at all.

I think part of what this comes down to is you seem to exclude any game with a faster-paced reactive component from qualifying as on the same level of chess.

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