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> allowed us to farm and afforded us the leisure time

The error in this is the thinking that the gains from agriculture accrue evenly to everyone. In reality, the "us" who are farmers and the "us" with leisure time are not the same people. You can see this by looking at the economic stratification for every single agricultural society... ever?

I would highly recommend reading James C Scott's 'Against the Grain' [0].

His thesis is that agriculture came in quite slowly, as part of a semi-sedentary hunter-gatherer society. It was only once the natural environment was depleted and agriculture became the only option to feed yourself that fixed, sedentary agriculture took over.

This is all tied to the rise of states, which could only obtain stability once their taxation base was locked in place. It's the best explanation I've seen for why "we" would choose agriculture.

[0] https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34324534-against-the-gra...

(Incidentally I think it's much better written than his first book 'Seeing like a State', if you've read that.)

Once you have hunted the last wild buffalo, what are you going to do?

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