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That's how I feel about DeepMind for sc2, it doesn't sounds like a smart AI but just an AI insanely fast ( can micro everything instantly ) which is not realistic. Also APM is a usless metric especially for a computer since a computer only do useful actions, so you have a pro player doing 400 apm and DeepMind just 120 but 100% useful.

I don't understand your criticism. DeepMind's APM is limited, and you're saying there's still a problem because DeepMind will use its APM more effectively? Well...yeah, that's a big part of what it means to play Starcraft 2 better than your opponent, whether it's a human or a computer.

This is how APM is treated in the professional scene as well. Everyone knows that bursts of 500 APM when you're spamming at the beginning of the game aren't some incredible display of skill. But sustaining a good number of useful actions per minute is incredibly important, and a huge part of the mental process in Starcraft 2 is constantly deciding where and how to invest your actions.

It's really uninteresting that the machine wins simply because it doesn't have to deal with the inaccuracy and delays of mouse clicks and selection boxes. You can say that it's a limitation of humans, but aren't we searching for evidence of high-level strategic thinking in the machine, instead of purely mechanical advantages of the machine executing copy-pasted human strategies with inhuman accuracy?

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