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> The only issue is being forced to come up with the initial funds to make the challenge, which isn't too hard to do.

That fully depends on the person. Suppose I mined Bitcoin in college when it was still rather young and amassed a ton of BTC, but then lost my wallet at some point.

Many years later, BTC is worth a great deal more than when I was mining. Perhaps my wallet is now valued at tens (or hundreds) of thousands of dollars. Depending on my life scenario, I may not have that amount in liquid assets to put toward making the challenge.

Indeed, but it’s not hard to imagine that a service would exist to temporarily lend you that money for a percentage of the wallet value. And assuming the company is credible, you’d probably be happy to get 90% of that BTC back rather than nothing.

You would probably be happy to get 25% back, but you'd need to have collateral to get someone to go for it.

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