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Does anyone actually read privacy policies?

My default assumption is that they're all out to f me on this front & it's not like you actually have a choice in the modern world. If it's 4k long then I guess they just needed lots of noise to hide the crux of it.

Google employees do. It's required reading before designing, implementing or operating any system dealing with user data. Intentionally (i.e. genuine bugs excluded) breaking the policy is an outright fireable offence.

I do. If nothing else, I look for a binding arbitration opt-out, so I can engage that before whatever time period expires.

This reminds me of Pokemon Go forced arbitration opt-out clause that made the news and trended a while back.

"The Go terms do include an opt-out provision for people who don’t want to give up their rights. However, you must opt out within 30 days of first agreeing to the Terms of Service.

Luckily, many Pokémon Go users have only downloaded and activated the app in the last week, meaning they are still within that timeframe.

To Opt Out: Send an email ASAP (before the 30 days have passed) to termsofservice@nianticlabs.com with “Arbitration Opt-out Notice” in the subject line and a clear declaration that you are opting out of the arbitration clause in the Pokémon Go terms of service."


This is America in 2019, where even toy games on phones subvert your right to legal process...

>binding arbitration opt-out

Fair point. That does assume same legal jurisdiction though.

Practically I'm not in the same jurisdiction as any of these websites anyway. None of this is legally enforceable unless a party is sufficiently aggrieved to spend a ton on specialist lawyers. Whether or not I clicked on some internet button privacy policy seems a little pointless in that context

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