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This looks neat, but I'm struggling with the landing page.

There are a bunch of animated gifs that show off how Soulver works - great! But just as they finish the exercise and show the result, they immediately blank and restart. I don't get any time to figure out what just happened. It's incredibly frustrating.

Put a 5s pause at the "complete" frame.

It’s also annoying that each example on the landing page only fades in when it is scrolled almost to the top of the window. I have enough vertical space to see two examples at once, but it always hides the bottom one to look “mysterious”. This is especially disorienting when scrolling up or down a page at a time.

Apple’s marketing pages do this type of fade-in better – the fade-in happens quickly as soon as the page is scrolled to a certain point, and after that, the faded-in item doesn’t fade out again unless you refresh the page.

They're videos, not GIFs. Right-click and select Show Controls and you can scrub to wherever you want.

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