> Which make me sad, considering that FreeBSD was the first actual port the coreclr actually made. However, no one seems to care afterwards.
The FreeBSD port was a community effort, and not done by Microsoft.
Unfortunately the small team doing the port ran out of time before life caught up with them (jobs, kids, university, etc) at around 95% completion.
After that .NET Core kept moving fast, and catching up (new libraries, llvm versions, mono versions required for bootstrapping, etc) also required FreeBSD updates, and all in all was somewhat hard.
It makes less than zero sense to me as to why a BSD programmer would even consider wanting Microsoft .NET frameworks, libraries or software on BSD. You have as good or better tools and languages already there. Perhaps in the off chance of porting a program written with .NET but those are rare and the only people who seem to want this are Microsoft and Windows/.NET programmers who also happen to use BSD.
I have been programming FreeBSD systems for 15 years--actually longer--and it's never crossed my mind to even once think about using .NET or any Microsoft product. Makes no sense at all.
[1] https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/labels/os-freebsd
[2] https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/labels/os-freebsd
[3] https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/labels/os-netbsd