Yes, it looks old fashioned and it has a lot of ads. But it's full of interesting stuff, like the photo of last Tuesday's total solar eclipse taken from Moon orbit by Longjiang-2.
The site is run by Dr. Tony Phillips, a high school science teacher in Bishop, California, and occasional writer for NASA. His students launch balloons to the edge of space and run science experiments on them:
The balloon rises until it pops, the payload parachutes down and the students scramble across the desert to pick it up.
To finance the missions, they fly jewelry, golf balls, stuffed toys and trinkets on the balloons and sell them in their online shop. Or you can sponsor one of their research flights for $500, send up whatever you want and get a video of your item in flight.
Maybe I can get a few ham radio operators together to send up some kind of radio experiment. Sounds like great fun for us, as well as sponsoring the student research.
I think Dr. Tony's students will do some great things in their careers!
Could do a home built VHF repeater, kinda like a cubesat, and see what the furthest distance is between contacts. Would need to coordinate frequencies and you'd probably want to run it like a contesting thing with very short QSO to maximize the number of contacts. I'd donate a hundred bucks. It would be nice to have a telemetry radio onboard too.
Of course it would also depend on things like weight limits on the balloon and what won't interfere with the student research packages (or maybe even collaborate with them?), but let's keep in touch!
Yes, it looks old fashioned and it has a lot of ads. But it's full of interesting stuff, like the photo of last Tuesday's total solar eclipse taken from Moon orbit by Longjiang-2.
The site is run by Dr. Tony Phillips, a high school science teacher in Bishop, California, and occasional writer for NASA. His students launch balloons to the edge of space and run science experiments on them:
The balloon rises until it pops, the payload parachutes down and the students scramble across the desert to pick it up.
To finance the missions, they fly jewelry, golf balls, stuffed toys and trinkets on the balloons and sell them in their online shop. Or you can sponsor one of their research flights for $500, send up whatever you want and get a video of your item in flight.
Maybe I can get a few ham radio operators together to send up some kind of radio experiment. Sounds like great fun for us, as well as sponsoring the student research.
I think Dr. Tony's students will do some great things in their careers!