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Not knowing the details around this, but if they haven't done so, Github could add something to indicate whether particular commits were signed by the PGP key Github knows to belong to the user the commit claims it was authored by. A user could have a setting to enable Github warnings where there are commits supposedly authored by user but not signed. They could also always warn where there are commits authored by a user but signed by a key the user didn't inform Github of.

Likewise, I wonder if git differentiates signatures where the keys are set as trusted in gnupg, and those that are not.

> Not knowing the details around this, but if they haven't done so, Github could add something to indicate whether particular commits were signed by the PGP key Github knows to belong to the user the commit claims it was authored by.

They do this

Github already shows signed commits: https://help.github.com/en/articles/signing-commits

Github could simply reject commits with email addresses not added to your account. As you need to verify every email you add to your account this problem would be solved instantly.

One wouldn't be able to upload an existing open source repo with loads of existing contributors. That seems to really go against Github's mission of being a universal, easy-access hub for open source git repositories.

This would completely break you merging others' patches into your repository outside of GitHub (with git-am(1)).

> Github could simply reject commits with email addresses not added to your account.

Sure, if GitHub wanted to completely abandon the decentralized nature of Git and be a completely centralized system. Which it would love to, I'm sure, but I don't think the user base is quite ready for them to completely shut off any repository with any commits not made by Github users, and posted to GitHub through the account of the user who made the commit, which is what you are suggesting.

and be replaced by a bunch of other problems instead. E.g. no publishing of existing repos on Github if they happen to contain a commit with a non-linked address...

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