Interesting, though that wouldn't work for off-site / cloud backups, unless you could upload the encrypted EncFS volume somehow, or don't mind leaking some file information to your storage provider if you're uploading the underlying encrypted filesystem as-is.
I use EncFS for other purposes, but be aware of its security issues[1]. This report was influenced by the founder and CTO of Boxcryptor, so I'd take it with a grain of salt, but I'd still avoid using EncFS for any important data.
My cursory audit of encfs (not written up) revealed that, if you use it in the natural way for backup (reverse mount an unencrypted directory, and rsync the virtual, encrypted file system that exposes), then it does not use per-file salt, so each file with the same contents is encrypted to the same ciphertext.
I use EncFS for other purposes, but be aware of its security issues[1]. This report was influenced by the founder and CTO of Boxcryptor, so I'd take it with a grain of salt, but I'd still avoid using EncFS for any important data.