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Not that I want to brag, but, you can get past the captcha. You just have to mindlessly click everything (at least it worked for me. And yes, I should probably get a life, but I made this passed as UX research.)

Ah. I was proceeding on the assumption that a bow and a bow tie were not the same thing. Silly me.

Still, nothing on this site was as bad as the "security questions" on the United Airlines site. All of their security questions are multiple choice. Here's an actual example:

What is your favorite sport?

Possible answers:

    Jai Alai
    Ice skating
Because obviously no one who flies United likes football or baseball.

The worst thing is that when you have to answer the question the answers are presented in a different order than when you set them up, so a simple hack like "just pick the third answer" won't work. It's genuinely more frustrating than anything on the parody site.

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