1. Download your own AAX files (using the Audible download manager or search around for some ways to do it w/o the download manager).
2. Find out your 'activation keys' using ffprobe and the inAudible-NG project, see instructions here: https://github.com/inAudible-NG/tables/blob/master/README.md. Needs to be done only once for your Audible account.
3. Use ffmpeg with --activation_bytes to convert AAX to MP3 or other formats, either directly or with a nice script like this one that'll divide into chapters: https://github.com/KrumpetPirate/AAXtoMP3
OpenAudible looks like a nice tool that'll automate all of these steps for you.
I'm not sure. Possibly if you try ffmpeg's -a copy and such, it'll simply extract the AAC. Let me know if it works for you. I've always wanted mp3 in the past so I didn't mind the transcoding.
OpenAudible looks like a nice tool that'll automate all of these steps for you.