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The omission is shocking, I can't seem to find any on UK or German Amazon.

Though on amazon.de I see at least one alternative to the Zweikanal-Klimaanlage or whatever you'd call it; a small split system with two condensers for just four-hundred euro. Though it seems like it'd likely warrant professional installation, and therefore €€€. https://amazon.de/dp/B06XTQKLXM/

Perhaps it is a Russian conspiracy to keep you all burning that sweet sweet gazprom oil (except the UK, congratulations!). ;- )

There's plenty of split units in the UK too, but those require professional installation and quite possibly also planning permission with a full professional noise assessment. No dual-hose portables though. I'm not sure why; we don't seem to have banned them like Australia accidentally managed to do (they imposed efficiency requirements on dual-hose units that portable aircon couldn't meet whilst exempting the single-hose variety).

> they imposed efficiency requirements on dual-hose units that portable aircon couldn't meet whilst exempting the single-hose variety

Unintended consequences hall of fame. Have they reversed that, or is it just sorta sitting there, like a festering wound?

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